About AZ

I am the luckiest man alive (apologies to Lou Gehrig).  I have an incredible wife (who somehow was nuts enough to marry me), beautiful children and as full a life as one can have.  This blog is a simple collection of thoughts, mostly designed to brag about how lucky I am, but also to state my position on various issues.  Obviously no one cares about my position in all these issues, but it is always fun to say: “For the record, my position on this issue is…”  If nothing else, it makes one feel important and accomplished.

Newton’s sencond law of thermodynamics is an expression of the tendency that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential equilibrate in an isolated physical system.  In other words, it states that as time passes order gives way to chaos: entropy increases.  This means that over time, processes in nature become irreversible.  For most of my adult life I have been fighting people who seem to forget that the second law of thermodynamics is not just a guideline (as immortalized in Pirates of the Caribbean), but an actual rule of nature.  This blog is also about the second law of thermodynamics and all the things that make Isaac Newton roll in his grave.

Finally, this blog is about complaining about women driving while talking on their cell phone.  Wait.  did I actually say that out loud? Wow.

One Response to About AZ

  1. John Stewart says:

    I found this blog by pure coincidence, and I have to say it is simply inspiring. The pictures are incredible; you are clearly a very talented photographer. The writing is just amazing. Thanks for sharing all this!!

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